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Rosmarin (økologisk) 1 kg
Rosmarin (økologisk) 1 kg
Rosmarin (økologisk) 1 kg
Rosmarin (økologisk) 1 kg
Rosmarin (økologisk) 1 kg
Rosmarin (økologisk) 1 kg
Rosmarin (økologisk) 1 kg
Rosmarin (økologisk) 1 kg

Rosmarin (økologisk) 1 kg

  • Rosemary is a plant with a pleasant aroma. It is great in the kitchen as a spice to give a crisp, herbal touch. We also recommend preparing a delicious herbal infusion based on it or adding it to tea or yerba mate.
217,00 DKK
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Rosemary is a plant with a pleasant aroma, originally from the Mediterranean area. The characteristic leaves, which resemble pine needles, give off an intense, sweet-herbal aroma when rubbed in the fingers. The taste is slightly bitter and refreshing, making it ideal as a spice. It goes particularly well with meats, especially fish. It can also be added to soups, rice dishes, sauces or salads. Rosemary can also be used to prepare an aromatic infusion with an intense, herbal taste and aroma. You can add a pinch of rosemary to tea, herbs or yerba mate to give them a fresh touch.

Additional information:

Ingredients: 100% rosemary

Net weight: 1000g

Produced for: Venusti Sp. z o.o.

Country of origin: Spain

Best before: expiry date and batch number on the package

Rosemary – how to prepare an infusion?

Rosemary can be used to make a stand-alone infusion or added in small amounts to tea, yerba mate or mixed herbs. To prepare an infusion, pour 1 teaspoon of rosemary over approximately 200 ml of boiling water. Allow the infusion to brew covered for about 5 minutes. You can add a slice of lemon and fresh ginger to the rosemary infusion and sweeten with a teaspoon of honey.

Netto vægt
Opbevares på et tørt og køligt sted.
Yderligere oplysninger
Produktet kan indeholde jordnødder, nødder, glutenholdige kornprodukter.
Importør / Ansvarlig enhed
Venusti sp. z o.o. ul. Ostrowskiego 9/508, 53-238 Wrocław, Polen NIP: 6121860348 REGON: 366578876
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