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Catuaba (bark) 1 kg

Catuaba (bark) 1 kg

  • Catuaba is the bark of an exotic tree that is native to wild areas of South America. Even before the arrival of Europeans in these lands, the Tupi Indians discovered its unique properties and used it as a natural aphrodisiac.
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Catuaba is the bark of the exotic tree Trichilia catigua, which occurs naturally in South America. It was discovered by the Tupi Indians, who were already using the plant as a natural aphrodisiac before Columbus arrived in the Americas. Even today, the people of Brazil still value it for these properties. Catuaba is characterised by a slightly bitter, herbal aftertaste and a distinctive aroma, making it an excellent addition to a variety of tea- or yerba mate-based infusions.

Additional information:

Ingredients: 100% catuaba bark (Trichilia catigua)

Net weight: 1000g

Produced for: Venusti Sp. z o.o.

Country of origin: Brazil

Best before: expiry date and batch number on the package

Catuaba – how to use?

Catuaba can be consumed in the form of an infusion – pour 1 tablespoon over 300 ml of boiling water and simmer for about 10 minutes. We recommend drinking a maximum of 2 glasses of this prepared infusion per day. Catuaba can also be added in small amounts as an addition to an infusion of herbs, tea or yerba mate.

Netto vægt
Opbevares på et tørt og køligt sted.
Yderligere oplysninger
Produktet kan indeholde jordnødder, nødder, glutenholdige kornprodukter.
Importør / Ansvarlig enhed
Venusti sp. z o.o. ul. Ostrowskiego 9/508, 53-238 Wrocław, Polen NIP: 6121860348 REGON: 366578876
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